Manually assigning an employee to an unstaffed shift

  1. From within any view, click the unstaffed shift that you want to staff.
  2. In the Schedule Details panel, verify or modify the following information, as required:

    Select an employee to work the shift. You can use the Eligible Employee list box to help find a suitable employee. See Employee Find and Sort Order.

    If the shift is unstaffed, this field is blank.

    Select the date of the unstaffed shift.
    Start Time
    Type the shift start time.
    End Time
    Type the shift end time.
    Select the scheduled team to which the unstaffed shift belongs. (If required, change the team. This will create a temporary team assignment for the day of the shift.)
    Select the job to be staffed.
    Job Start
    Type the time the job starts.
    Job End
    Type the time the job ends.
  3. On the Details tab, verify or modify the following information, as required:

    Select this check box in an activity row to have the time marked as a break. If defined as a non-working activity, the break time will not be included in any coverage calculations. If an added break overlaps an existing activity, the existing activity remains for the existing times outside of the new break time. (For example, adding a 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM break to a 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM activity, results in a 9-12 activity, a 12-1 break, and a 1-5 activity.)

    Note: The BREAK_FLAG_WORKING parameter determines if a break flagged by using the Break check box is considered working or non-working time. For information about this parameter, see the Registry Parameter Reference Guide.

    Type the time the activity is scheduled to start.
    Type the time the activity is scheduled to end.
    Select the activity for this time period using the lookup.
    Time Code
    Select the time code associated with the activity. If a time code already exists (defined in staffing requirements, for example), the activity time code does not supersede the existing one.
    Select the project portion of the activity’s labor metric.
    Select the docket portion of the activity’s labor metric.
    Select the department the employee belongs to for this activity.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • In the Eligible Employees list, select the employee to be assigned to the unstaffed shift by clicking the employee name and clicking the Select link. The employee name is displayed in the Employee field of the Schedule Details panel’s information line.

      The Eligible Employees list contains the names of all employees who are qualified to work the selected shift. By default, the list is generated and ordered by best fit based on various criteria as set by your system administrator. See Employee Find and Sort Order.

    • To expand or narrow the search criteria used by the Employee Find and Sort Order feature for this session, see Modifying Default Employee Find and Sort Order Configuration Settings.
    • Select an employee using the Employee lookup on the Schedule Details panel. This list is not filtered by qualification.

      When an employee is selected, the employee’s schedule for the week is displayed in the Schedule Details panel. This enables you to make informed decisions about the employee you are scheduling.

      Since some situations require immediate contact with a newly-scheduled employee, the Emp Info tab provides easy access to employee details such as phone numbers, address, and so on.

  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click Apply to assign the selected employee to the selected unstaffed shift.
    • Click Save as New to create a copy of the selected unstaffed shift and then assign the selected employee to that copy, leaving the original unstaffed shift unstaffed.
After the manual assignment is complete, any resulting violations will be shown.