Case 4
Employee D is scheduled to work three shifts: Saturday 6:00 PM to Sunday 4:00 AM (which crosses over weeks), Sunday 6:00 PM to Monday 4:00 AM, Tuesday 6:00 PM to Wednesday 4:00 AM, Friday 4:00 PM to Saturday 4:00 AM, and Saturday 8:00 PM to Sunday 4:00 AM (which crosses between weeks). The Schedule Validation report does not return any violations.
- Total hours (12 hours x 1 shift) + (10 hours x 2 shifts) + (8 hours x 1 shift) = 40
- Max hours = 40
Recall that the 4 hours that fall into this week from the previous week’s Saturday 6:00 PM to 4:00 AM shift do not count towards this week’s total. The total number of hours for that shift belong to the previous week. Likewise, this week’s Saturday 8:00 PM to Sunday 4:00 AM shift hours belong to this week and are counted as part of this week’s total hours.
The Schedule Validation report does not return a violation because Saturday’s shift hours fall into the previous schedule week and, therefore, count towards the preceding week’s max hours. The number of hours for this week (40) does not exceed the maximum hours specified by the rule (40).