Day Part View
The Day Part view displays staffed and unstaffed shifts (if batch process has run) grouped by day part, scheduled team, and job. Day parts are non-overlapping durations of time which span the 24 hour day. An employee’s shift can span multiple day parts. For example, in a hospital, the day parts could represent shifts (morning, afternoon, evening).
This view provides a snapshot showing which employees are working together for certain portions of a day. Unassigned employees are also viewable at the team level.
Coverage is displayed at the day part, scheduled team, and job level. For each day part, the staffing requirements are identified, as well as the employees assigned to the job. If the batch process to create unstaffed shifts was executed, this view also displays unstaffed shifts to enable employee assignment, either manually or using auto assignment.
You can view the following information within the Day Part view:
- Day parts within the schedule and teams within the day parts
- Jobs within the day parts, containing staffed (and unstaffed, if the batch process to create unstaffed shifts was executed) shifts
- Selecting shift across day parts which, when you select a shift in one day part that spans several other day parts, all the corresponding shifts are automatically selected as well
- Schedule period currently being displayed
- Coverage displayed at the day part, scheduled team, and job level
- Schedule Compliance status icons