Schedule Periods

Schedule periods represent the length of time for which a schedule is generated and are defined according to your scheduling needs. The default schedule period is one (1) week, which can be modified to the desired duration. (Some industries prefer to use a longer scheduling period with a duration of several weeks.)

You can create, view, auto-assign employees, and edit the schedule for the entire schedule period. Staffing requirements use the schedule period to view and edit staffing requirements for the entire period retrieved. You can use auto-assign to schedule employees into open shifts on a weekly basis.


  • Out of the box, the start date for the default schedule period coincides with the DAY_WEEK_STARTS parameter. That is, if the DAY_WEEK_STARTS parameter equals MONDAY, the default period starts on Monday. You can change this using the Schedule Period Detail page, although any change on this page has no affect on the DAY_WEEK_STARTS parameter. For information about registry parameters, see the Registry Parameters Reference Guide.
  • Schedules that have been viewed/configured previously, can produce unexpected behavior if their associated schedule periods are subsequently deleted or edited. Start dates of schedule periods can differ, disorganizing staffing schedules. Use caution when making changes to previously-defined schedule periods.