Configuring Schedule Publish Notifications

To define columns and their sort order for notification e-mails:

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Registry Maintenance > System | Modules | Mvse | Publish.
  2. Select EMAILFIELDNAMELIST. The current settings of this parameter are displayed in the Variable Selected section.
  3. Click Edit. The Variable Edit page is displayed.
  4. Type any of the following values, each separated by a comma and in the order you want them to display in the body of the notification e-mail, in the Variable Value field:

    The order of the fields listed in EMAILFIELDNAMELIST reflect the order of the columns in the schedule notification e-mail. The e-mail contents are determined based on the Schedule Details panel’s configuration.

    Values Meaning
    SEG_DATE Scheduled date
    SEG_JOB Scheduled job
    SEG_SJT Scheduled starting job time
    SEG_EJT Scheduled ending job time
    SEG_PRTY Scheduled priority
    SEG_SKILL Scheduled skill requirement
    DET_ACT_HDR Scheduled activity
    DET_STIME_HDR Scheduled shift start time
    DET_ETIME_HDR Scheduled shift end time
    DET_PROJ_HDR Scheduled shift project
    DET_TCODE_HDR Scheduled shift time code
    DET_DEPT_HDR Scheduled shift department
    DET_DOCK_HDR Scheduled shift docket

    For example:


  5. Click Save.
The fields listed in EMAILFIELDNAMELIST cannot be hidden in the Schedule Details panel. If a field is hidden on the Schedule Details panel, the field will not be displayed in the subsequent e-mail notification, even if the field is listed as a value for EMAILFIELDNAMELIST. The e-mail contents are determined based on the Schedule Details panel’s configuration.