Excluding Time Codes from Total Work Hours
You must also indicate which time codes are to be excluded from employees’ total work hours (which are displayed on the Employee view as a weekly total, the Scheduled Team view as a daily total for a specific team, and the Schedule Period view as a weekly total for each employee).
LTA time, whether excluded from totals or not, does not count towards any coverage calculations.
You mark a code for exclusion by selecting the Exclude from Total Hours check box in the time code definition. For more information, see the Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.
For example, if you do not want vacation time to be included in employees’ total work hours, you must select the Exclude from Total Hours check box for the VAC time code. Any hours specified under the VAC time code on any employee’s schedule do not count towards the employee’s total work hours for the week. So, if an employee had 4 working shifts of 8 hours and one vacation shift of 8 hours, the total in the Work column would be 32 because the vacation shift is not counted.
Time codes with the Exclude from Total Hours check box selected are also excluded from employees’ total work hours in the RTSS calendar.