Job Times Coverage Scenarios

The following staffing requirements (defined in the consolidated staffing requirements screen) are used throughout the examples below.

Consolidated Staffing Requirements:

  • Job Time A 8-16: Job A - 2 people required
  • Job Time B 10-18: Job A - 2 people required
  • Job Time C 17-21: Job A - 1 person required

1. A complete match of employee assignment to job time:

Employees assigned:

Employee Job Time Start End Job
EMP_A 8-16 8 16 Job A
EMP_B 10-18 10 18 Job A
EMP_C 10-18 10 18 Job A


Job Time A, Job A = 1/2

Job Time B, Job A = 2/2

Job Time C, Job A = 0/1

2. Partial employee assignment within job time:

Employees assigned:

Employee Job Time Start End Job
EMP_A 8-16 10 16 Job A
EMP_B 10-18 10 17 Job A
EMP_C 17-21 17 21 Job A


Job Time A, Job A = 0.75/2

Job Time B, Job A = 0.875/2

Job Time C, Job A = 1/1

3 Non-working activities:

Employees assigned:

Employee Job Time Start End Job Activity
EMP_A 8-16 8 10 Job A WRK
EMP_A 8-16 10 11 Job A BRK
EMP_A 8-16 11 14 Job A WRK
EMP_A 8-16 14 16 Job A TRN
EMP_B 10-18 10 18 Job A WRK
EMP_C 17-21 17 21 Job A WRK


Job Time A, Job A = 0.625/2 (non-working activities, break and training, don't affect coverage)

Job Time B, Job A = 1/2

Job Time C, Job A = 1/1

4 Start and End times are outside the job time duration:

Employee Job Time Start End Job
EMP_A 8-16 9 17 Job A
EMP_B 10-18 9 18 Job A
EMP_C 17-21 9 17 Job A


Job Time A, Job A = 0.875/2 (EMP_A shift doesn't cover the first hour of the job time)

Job Time B, Job A = 1/2 (EMP_B shift time outside the job time does not count towards coverage)

Job Time C, Job A = 0/1 (even though EMP_C details will show under this job time, the start and end time of the shift is completely outside the job time, therefore not counted towards coverage)

5 Partial overstaffing within job time appears as full coverage:

Employees assigned:
Employee Job Time Start End Job
EMP_A 17-21 17 19 Job A
EMP_B 17-21 18 19 Job A
EMP_C 17-21 17 18 Job A
EMP_D 8-16 8 16 Job A
EMP_E 8-16 8 16 Job A
EMP_F 10-18 10 18 Job A


Job Time A, Job A = 2/2

Job Time B, Job A = 1/2

Job Time C, Job A = 1/1 (Appears full coverage, but in reality 19-21 is understaffed. The overstaffed portion from 17-19, cancels out the understaffed portion. A red triangle precedes the ratio to indicate only partial job time covered.)

6 Partial overstaffing within job time appears as overstaffed:

Employees assigned:

Employee Job Time Start End Job
EMP_A 17-21 17 19 Job A
EMP_B 17-21 18 19 Job A
EMP_C 17-21 17 18 Job A
EMP_D 17-21 17 19 Job A
EMP_E 8-16 8 16 Job A
EMP_F 8-16 8 16 Job A
EMP_G 10-18 10 18 Job A


Job Time A, Job A = 2/2

Job Time B, Job A = 1/2

Job Time C, Job A = 1.5/1 (Appears overstaffed, but in reality 19-21 is understaffed. A red triangle precedes the ratio to indicate only partial job time covered.)

7 A manual shift is added:

Employees assigned:

Employee Job Time Start End Job
EMP_A 8-16 8 16 Job A
EMP_B 8-16 8 16 Job A
EMP_C* 8-16 7 17 Job A

*EMP_C added to Job Time A, 8-16


Job Time A, Job A = 3/2 (EMP_C coverage is counted as overstaffed)

Job Time B, Job A = 0/2

Job Time C, Job A = 0/1

8 A manual new Job Time is added:

If the scheduler adds a new Shift with a job time that doesn't match any existing time, then the MVS creates a separate Job Time and coverage is calculated as per the following example:

Employees assigned:

Employee Job Time Start End Job
EMP_A 8-16 8 16 Job A
EMP_B 8-16 8 16 Job A
EMP_C* 21-24 19 24 Job A

*EMP_C added to new Job Time, 21-24


Job Time A, Job A = 2/2

Job Time 21-24, Job A 1/0 (coverage counted as overstaffed because this is a manually defined job time without a corresponding requirement in the staffing requirements).

9 An employee is assigned to different job times:

If the scheduler wants an employee's scheduled time to count towards multiple job times, then they have to split the employee's scheduled time and apply the appropriate job time they wish to cover. The employee's scheduled time cannot be overlapping, however the job times their schedule belongs to can be overlapping.

Employees assigned:

Employee Job Time Start End Job
EMP_A 8-16 8 10 Job A
EMP_A 10-18 10 16 Job A


Job Time A, Job A = 0.25/2

Job Time B, Job A = 0.75/2

Job Time C, Job A = 0/1