Updating Unstaffed Shifts from Staffing Requirements
Changes to the staffing requirements for a schedule period do not require you to create unstaffed shifts based on all the information in the staffing requirements. Rather, you must update the unstaffed shifts based on the new information.
The following is a list of how staffing requirements changes will be handled for pre-existing unstaffed shifts:
Staffing requirements are decreased/none are staffed
If none of the previously-created unstaffed shifts are staffed, the now unrequired unstaffed shifts are deleted.
For example, if 8 unstaffed shifts were previously created and now only 6 are required, 2 of the unstaffed shifts will be deleted as long as the time of the unstaffed shifts match the original job time or day part.
Staffing requirements are decreased/some are staffed
If some of the previously-created unstaffed shifts are staffed, the staffed and unstaffed shifts are evaluated before the unnecessary shifts are deleted.
For example, if 5 unstaffed shifts were previously required and created, and 3 of those shifts were staffed, but now changes to the staffing requirements indicate that only 3 shifts are required, the batch process will delete the two unstaffed shifts.
If any unstaffing of shifts is required due to staffing requirement changes, the shifts must be manually unstaffed. A warning is displayed indicating that staffed shifts could not be deleted to satisfy the staffing requirements.
Also, coverage is updated based on the staffing requirements, whether the shifts can be deleted using the batch process or not. Later, when the shifts are manually removed/booked off, no unstaffed shift is created since none are required.
If decreasing staffing requirements results in overstaffing, a message is displayed indicating that overstaffing has occurred and that they should manually unschedule employees. The information provided includes the team and day part. You can then use this information to narrow down which shifts are overstaffed and reduce the staffing as needed.
If any unstaffed shifts have been manually created, they are treated as if they were created by the batch process. This means a reduction in the staffing requirements will cause the manually created shifts to be deleted when the batch process is run, assuming the shifts haven’t been staffed.
Staffing requirements increase/decrease and partially staffed shifts
Since an unstaffed shift can be staffed by multiple employees, partial shifts are evaluated by the batch process.
For example, if the previous requirement was for 5 unstaffed shifts, and one of the shifts is partially staffed producing two partial unstaffed shifts. (A 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM shift that is partially staffed from 12:00PM to 3:00 PM produces two partial unstaffed shifts for the time before and after the partial staffing - 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM). If the requirement changes to only 3 shifts, the system recognizes that the two partial unstaffed shifts, together with the staffed portion, make up a single shift, so an update will delete 2 of the fully unstaffed shifts to satisfy the new requirements.
Staffing requirements unchanged/unstaffed shift manually deleted
If the staffing requirements have not changed, but in a previous run of the batch process, an unstaffed shift was created which has been manually deleted, selecting Update staffed shifts and clicking Go will recreate the deleted unstaffed shift.