Partial Staffing with the Batch Process
This is possible for Day Parts and Day Parts with Intervals modes only.
When the ENABLE_PARTIAL_STAFFING parameter is set to TRUE, shift pattern employees that partially match unstaffed shifts generated by the batch process are assigned to the partial time and an unstaffed shift for the remaining time is generated.
For example, if an unstaffed shift from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM was generated, and Bob has a shift pattern of 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Bob can be assigned to the 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM part of the unstaffed shift, and a new unstaffed shift is generated with a time of 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM.
All of the necessary attributes required by the shift must be defined and matching for the employee to be assigned. With Day Parts with Intervals showing, the unstaffed shift generated as a result of a partial staffing is optimized so the largest contiguous unstaffed shift for the day part is created.
For information about enabling partial staffing, see the Registry Parameter Reference Guide.