Copying Shift Details
You can copy shift details from a source shift (either a staffed or unstaffed shift) to a target shift, resulting in either a staffed shift or a new unstaffed shift.
You can select the specific details to copy from within the Copy panel. If the target shift (or shifts) already have details configured, those details will be replaced with the details of the source shift if you have selected those details to be copied. (This assumes the employee receiving the copied details (in a staffed shift) or the employee being copied into an unstaffed shift with existing details is qualified for the job assignment, including the skills expiry issue. For more information, see Auto-Assignments.)
When copying to a staffed shift, the employee(s) is/are not copied, even if the detail is selected in the details to be copied. You can only copy the employee to an unstaffed target shift.
The following list indicates some of the specific details about the Copy operation:
- To copy to a different employee, or multiple employees, the employee criteria should be left blank.
- You can replace an existing shift by selecting the start and end times to be copied, as long as the start and end times do not overlap with two or more existing staffed shifts for the same employee.
- You cannot copy shifts from one team to another.
A summary of successful and unsuccessful copies is provided when the action is finished. Additional details, such as the reasons for unsuccessful copies, are available by selecting See Details. Information displayed for successful copies includes the employee and dates, as well as the defaults applied to indicate if employee default details were applied.
You cannot use Copy functionality to replace an employee’s existing off shift, absence, or unavailable time. Similarly, a copy cannot extend an employee’s termination date.