An activity defines what an employee is scheduled to do for a
segment of time. For example, in retail sales, each customer service
representative could be assigned to a specific set of activities throughout a
shift period that might include attending a one hour staff meeting, taking
inventory in the stockroom for two hours and greeting and helping customers for
five hours. These three segments represent activities that the supervisor can
enter into the MVS.
Add and remove unstaffed shift
To remove a shift, the supervisor must first remove the employee
assignment of that shift, which results in an unstaffed shift. If the extra
shift is not required, the supervisor can delete it, but the coverage number
for the original requirement will not change. Alternatively, the supervisor can
add an extra unstaffed shift even if staffing requirements do not exist for
that position. Again, the coverage number will not change.
Ad-hoc Unstaffed Shifts
These unstaffed shifts represent ad-hoc scheduling
needs that may not be predicted in the staffing requirements. They are created
manually from within the MVS using the Save As New, Apply or Copy tools.
Creating ad-hoc unstaffed shifts does not impact the required number of shifts
used for coverage calculations. To impact coverage, the staffing requirements
need to be edited. But ad-hoc unstaffed shifts do impact the actual number of
scheduled shifts. Ad-hoc (manually created) shifts are indicated in the MVS by
an (M) in the cell label.
Auto Assign
Auto assign was previously referred to as “bumping”.
The auto-assign feature is used to fill unstaffed shifts with the 'best-fit'
employees according to pre-defined auto-assign criteria. Auto-assign attempts
to match unassigned employees (employees that are scheduled to work, but have
not yet been assigned to a specific job) to unstaffed shifts. The auto assign
process helps a supervisor fill a number of unstaffed shifts. Auto-assignment
can also be used during the weekly or daily scheduling routine when addressing
absences or scheduling changes (e.g., last-minute change in staffing
requirements). Auto-assignment is performed by day parts, by days, by week, by
job times (select or all), or by team, depending on which view you are
currently using.
When the supervisor books off an employee, two things happen:
- the employee is removed
from assigned status, and
- If the book-off is due to
an employee absence, then the employee is marked with an absence time code. If
the book-off is due to overstaffing, the employee is not marked with an absence
time code, and therefore, the employee is still available to work shifts for
which they are eligible.
Two of the major reasons why a supervisor might book-off an employee
- The employee cannot work,
so the supervisor marks the employee with an absence time code.
- The job is overstaffed and
therefore, the supervisor must book-off the employee and specify a non-absence
time code and then remove the extra shifts.
An employee can be booked off for an entire day or for a specific
range of time (start/end time).
A cell represents a staffed/unstaffed shift and
assigned employee in the MVS. A combination of times and other schedule details
to which an employee may or may not be assigned.
Census Data
Census data is used in healthcare to estimate the number of employees
required to fill shifts. Estimates are based on the number of patients expected
at the healthcare facility several weeks in advance and can be recorded to
drive staffing requirements.
In order to use census data to determine the number of employees
required to fill a shift, a census ratio must first be established. (For
example, one hospital bed requires three nurses, two hospital beds requires
four nurses). This information is specified in the staffing requirements.
Once this ratio has been established, you estimate the number of beds
that will be filled during any given week. This is done using the Populate Data
Page page (Add/Modify census data).
Clear Schedule
The clear schedule feature removes all employees
assignments in the schedule retrieved. Shift pattern employees are returned to
their original state (for example, unassigned, if their default job = 0, or
assigned to their default job). Clear Schedule can be disabled in a published
schedule. In this case, clear will only affect unpublished
This feature copies specific or all details of the
currently selected shift to a target shift.
This is the actual number of employees scheduled compared to the
required number of employees for a timeslot. If 5 employees are scheduled for a
timeslot (job time), but 10 are needed, coverage would be displayed as 5/10.
Overstaffing is also displayed by appearing highlighted in red. For
example, if 5 employees are needed, but 10 are scheduled, the displayed
coverage would be 10/5.
Day Part
A logical unit used to divide a day into
non-overlapping parts. For example, in a cinema, day parts might be movie
showings (matinee, twilight). In a hospital, the day parts could represent
shifts (morning, afternoon, evening).
Day Parts with Interval Mode
This is one of the three scheduling modes that the MVS can be run in.
Day Parts with Interval uses pre-defined day part sets, but also enables the
definition of requirements at a more granular level (either 15, 30 or 60
minutes). Unlike Day Part mode, where the requirement duration is for the
length of the day part itself, in Day Part with Interval mode the requirements
can be defined for a duration of 15, 30 or 60 min (as specified by the
configuration). Requirements can also be defined at the day part level itself
by keeping the intervals collapsed.
Once requirements are defined in one scheduling mode, the schedule
mode should not be changed.
Day Part View
The day part view displays staffed and unstaffed
shifts grouped by day part, Scheduled Team and job. Day parts are
non-overlapping durations of time which span the 24 hour day. An employee’s
shift can span multiple day parts. This view provides a snapshot showing which
employees are working together for certain portions of a day. Unassigned
employees are also grouped at the scheduled team level.
Eligible Employee
List of employees who are qualified for the currently
selected cell. The list is retrieved when you click on a shift based on the
definitions from the Employee Find and Sort Order Configuration form, though
these parameters can be adjusted on a shift or session basis. From this list,
you can select employees to use to staff unstaffed shifts or replace an
existing employee in a staffed shift.
Employee View
The employee view provides a complete view of all employees that
belong to the selected team(s), including their schedules with vacations,
availability and absences.
For each employee row, the system tallies and displays the number of
hours scheduled per employee for each day and for the whole week. For example,
If Mary works 3 hours per day Monday to Friday, her total for the week is 15
hours, and her total for each day is 3 hours.
Home Team
This is the employee’s default team.
Defines what role an employee plays for a segment of
time. Employees have a list of jobs that they are qualified for. Employees also
have a default job based on default labor allocation which employees are
assigned to if a shift pattern is used. This job can be overridden for a
scheduled shift using the MVS.
Job Requirements
Staffing requirements are defined in the form of Job Times where
schedulers define arbitrary start and end times with requirements for job, skill and
activity. For more information, see
Staffing Requirements and Census.
Job Requirements view
The job requirements view provides a list of teams,
job times and jobs based on the staffing requirements defined. For example:
Team A
Job A - 5 people
Job B - 2 people
Job A - 3 people
Job C - 4 people
Job D - 1 person
Team B
Job A - 7 people
Job A - 3 people
Job B - 2 people
Job D - 4 people
This view enables the user to see which employees are working together
for job times on a daily basis. The user scrolls down this view to see all the
teams that the schedule was retrieved for. Coverage can be displayed for the
team, job time and job level.
For each job, the staffing requirements are identified, as well as the
employees assigned to the job. Positions that are unstaffed are identified by
an "Unstaffed" cell in the schedule. Staffed positions have an employee
attached to the specific "cell" with details on start time and end time.
Labor Metrics
Labor and production metrics (also known simply as
labor metrics) are used to track, measure, and control the amount of work,
time, and costs devoted to different activities and tasks within a company. By
determining how much time and labor is being devoted to specific activities, a
company can measure the true cost of these activities and products. Ultimately,
this helps a company to understand the profitability and efficiency of their
products, workforce, and overall business. The system allows time to be tracked
against a virtually unlimited number of labor metrics, but the MVS specifically
uses the metrics docket, project and team; these can be customized to any set
of metrics.
Locate is used to find employees in a schedule and
navigate to their shifts or cells. You enter an employee’s name, and then
search to see if they exist in the schedule. If they do, you can click Locate
to navigate to the first instance of that employee. The cell is selected and
details are displayed in the Schedule Details panel. If this is the right
employee, but not the right instance you are looking for, you can now click
Locate Next to find the next instance. Repeat until the employee and shift/cell
you are looking for is found.
LTA Override
A Long Term Absence (LTA) override affects an
employee’s availability. When an employee is booked off, they are still
technically available for work. When they are booked off using an LTA override,
they are not available to work.
Multi-View Scheduler (MVS)
Name for the consolidated interface encompassing
several simultaneous views. Enables schedulers to create and manage employee
Non-Productive Shift Offset
Also known as Non-Productive Transition Time, this is
defined as "non-productive" if the shift offset activity is defined as
“non-working” and “non-paid”.
When a schedule is published, you have the option of notifying using
- All employees in the
- Affected employees
- No one
Employees who are scheduled to a shift but are on
standby and do not actually work unless they are called to work while on an
On-Call shift.
The system relies on the registry parameter
configuration for its function and behavior. Registry parameters define the way
in which certain parts of the application appear. For more information on
MVS-specific registry parameters, see the MVS chapter of the Registry Parameter
Reference Guide.
Printing the schedule gives you a fully-expanded view
of the current schedule view. A PDF is rendered, which you can view/print/save,
as desired.
Productive Shift Offset
Also known as Productive Transition Time, this is
defined as "productive" if the shift offset activity is defined as “working”
and “paid”.
Publishing the MVS schedule means that the scheduler
is releasing the schedule details to employees for viewing. The act of
publishing the schedule means that the scheduler posts the schedule to the ETM
for employees to view. Publishing the schedule also saves the details to the
system timesheet and, based on the notification criteria set by the scheduler,
may notify employees using workmail.
This button allows you to remove/delete a shift. When
a staffed shift is selected, this button in the Schedule Details panel is
labeled Remove. If you click it, the employee assigned to the shift is removed
and the shift becomes an unstaffed shift. When an unstaffed shift is selected,
this button is labeled Delete. If you click it, the unstaffed shift is deleted
from the schedule. When neither a staffed nor an unstaffed shift is selected,
this button is grayed-out.
Schedule Compliance
Schedule Compliance validates any changes to a schedule against a set of
configured rules. For more information, see
Schedule Compliance and the
Infor Workforce Management Schedule Compliance Implementation and Administration
Scheduled Team view
The Scheduled Team view displays a list of employees
and their schedules arranged by team. This view enables the supervisor to
determine which employees are working together within one team. For example,
the supervisor might analyze this view to ensure that a good mix of employees
(experienced vs. less experienced) exist for the team. Coverage for the team is
displayed in addition to scheduled/unscheduled hours for the period.
Schedule Period
A schedule period is a date range consisting of any
number of weeks, configured based on your needs, not limited to any days or
number of weeks. This enables organizations to create multi-week
Schedule Period View
The Schedule Period view is a high-level representation of the
schedule period currently retrieved. Supervisors can view at a glance
single-week or multi-week schedule periods, easily determining scheduling
status and needs. Brief details of each employee, such as scheduled times,
availability, vacation, and so on, are shown in one consolidated view.
Employees are grouped by day part, Scheduled Team and their job
assignment. Floating of employees across hospital units is supported. This view
also displays the total employee scheduled hours for the currently retrieved
schedule period.
A session is defined as starting when a user enters
MVS and ending when that user leaves MVS.
Shift Offset
Segment of time associated to an activity attached to
the start and/or end of a shift; this is often referred to as "transition
Shift Offset Activity
Specific activities used to distinguish this offset
(transition) period of an employee's shift from the other part of their shift.
This offset (transition) activity can only be at the start or the end of a
shift. A shift offset activity is similar to current MVS activities, in that it
can either be working or non-working, and either paid or unpaid.
Shift Pattern
A shift pattern determines the order in which an employee works a
shift or a combination of shifts. The pattern may be a straight and simple work
week or a complex rotating pattern of multiple shifts that only repeats itself
monthly or quarterly.
Each pattern contains an ordered list of repeating shifts that
employees are scheduled work. The pattern must include all the shifts and days
off that make up a complete, repeating cycle. When an employee works the last
defined shift of the pattern, their next day begins again at the first shift in
the pattern.
Staffing Requirements
Staffing requirements are the number of people needed
for a particular job, based on predicted demand. Using the staffing
requirements, the scheduler can begin to create/manage employee schedules by
searching for qualified and available employees to fulfill the
Start Dates
Since a shift pattern does not associate a shift with a particular day
of the week (that is, Day 1 does not represent Sunday), you must use a
reference point to define a physical date that corresponds to Day 1 in the
shift pattern. From this reference point, any other position in the pattern, or
offset, can be calculated.
To determine what shift an employee works on a given day, continue the
pattern forward (or backward), repeating as necessary.
Summary Statistics
The Summary Statistics contain real-time statistics
for the current schedule period and is updated as edits to the schedule are
A shift swap occurs when the supervisor exchanges two
scheduled employees’ shifts. The shifts can be of different lengths, different
days, and even different jobs, as long as both employees are eligible and
available to work each other’s shifts.
A group of employees used to determine security permissions in the
system. The initial setup of the Team Security model (creating users, employees, roles, and
teams) must be performed through the desktop application. However, the management of Team
Security users, employees, and teams can be performed using the Security Editor.
Temporary Team
This is the employee’s alternate or temporary team.
Employees can be “loaned” to another team, besides their home team, to cover a
shift only they have the correct skill set to perform.
Unassigned employee
An unassigned employee is one that is scheduled to
work but has not yet been assigned to a specific job. Unassigned shifts are
typically applied using shift patterns.
Unstaffed shift
An unstaffed shift is one that has not yet been filled with an
eligible employee. Most unstaffed shifts are generated based on the staffing
requirements by using the Batch Process for Unstaffed Shifts, or the
Create/Update Unstaffed Shifts function from the Staffing Requirements screen.
An unstaffed shift can be filled either automatically (using the Auto-assign
process) or manually, where the eligible employee is determined by the default
find/sort configuration criteria. If set up by the system administrator, the
supervisor can change these criteria to broaden or narrow the search’s scope.
Unstaffed shifts can also be created manually from within the MVS.