RCA employee sort order callout
The RCA employee sort order callout allows customers to implement custom logic for sorting employees in the Relief Calling Area (RCA). This can be useful when employees must be contacted for open relief shifts in a specific order to satisfy company policy or collective bargaining agreements.
As of release 2024.02, you can implement this callout by developing an extension script that determines the logic for custom sort orders.
See "Extension script callouts" in the Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.
For customers with existing implementations of this callout, the class name is migrated from the registry parameter to the Extension Script Callout maintenance form during upgrades. Additionally, the RCA_SORT_SVC parameter has been removed from the system.
Implementation details
The implementation for this callout receives these data objects as inputs: the shifts selected in RCA, the employees returned based on the selection criteria, and the sort order the user has selected. The service can support multiple custom sort orders. Custom sort orders must be added to the Relief Calling Sort Order maintenance form to enable customers to select them in RCA. When adding custom sort orders to this maintenance form, the Sort Order field defines the string that is passed to the service as an input when a user selects a custom sort order.
The callout implementation returns a sorted list of employee IDs. A validation is run against the returned list to ensure that it includes the same employees as the input list. The validation fails if there is a mismatch between the number of employees in the sorted list and the input list. It also fails if different employees are returned in the sorted list. When the validation fails, an error message is displayed to the user, and the employees in RCA are sorted using the Alphanumeric sort option. A system error occurs if an un-handled exception occurs in the callout implementation for any reason.