Grouping by associated jobs in ASV
ASV, Staffing Center, and Central Staffing can be configured to combine data for associated jobs under the corresponding parent jobs. Grouping by associated jobs is enabled by setting the USE_ASSOCIATED_JOBS registry parameter to true.
For details on how grouping by associated jobs works in Central Staffing, see Grouping by associated jobs in Central Staffing.
When grouping is enabled, the Position view in ASV groups employees who are qualified for an associated job under the section for the corresponding parent job. STC groups shifts for the parent job or any of its associated jobs under the section for the parent job. ASV job filters are similarly grouped under parent jobs. Selecting a job filter shows employees and shifts for the parent job or any of its associated jobs.
For example, Junior RN is an associated job of RN and grouping is enabled. The ASV Position view includes an RN section but no Junior RN section. All Junior RN employees are grouped with the RN employees in the RN section. The RN filter shows all employees and shifts for RN and Junior RN.
Grouping by associated jobs combines the coverage numbers displayed in ASV and STC. When grouping is enabled, coverage is only displayed for the parent job. Workload requirements and shifts in the schedule are combined for all child jobs and added to the figures for the corresponding parent job. Continuing the example above, there are two RN shifts and two Junior RN shifts assigned in the schedule. These shifts are combined under the RN section in the coverage panel, and they are counted as four RN shifts for coverage purposes.