Creating production plans

You can create production plans to define times when a product is going to be produced using a specific machine.

  1. Select Scheduling > Multi-view Scheduler > Schedule Template > Production Plans.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select Add to generate shifts for the production plan and add them to the schedule. Or, select Remove to cancel an existing production plan and remove its shifts from the schedule. Note that production templates using the Remove option must match all parameters in an existing production plan.
    Specify the start time for the production plan. Shifts from the matching production templates are generated if any part of the shift takes place after this start time.
    Specify the end time for the production plan. Shifts from the matching production templates are generated if any part of the shift takes place before this end time.
    Specify the machine to be used by the production plan.
    Specify the product to be created by the production plan.
  4. Click Save.
The production plan is created with the PENDING status.