MR and OTS validation callout

The MR and OTS validation callout can be used to provide custom validations for actions performed in the MR and OTS edit screens. For example, a validation could be added to ensure each row contains a valid combination of labor metrics (e.g. department, docket, and project). Custom validations are performed in addition to the default validations performed in the MR and OTS edit screens.

Customers implementing this callout must create a service to define the custom validations. The service defines the custom validations and the resulting warnings or errors that are presented to users when a validation is triggered. The class for this service is added to the MROTS_VALIDATION_SVC registry parameter.


Validation actions and inputs

Validations can be added for validation, activation, processing, and assignment actions. The callout provides different inputs depending on the action that is being validated. This table includes a list of actions that support custom validations and the input data for each action:
Action Data inputs
Activate an MR or OTS template Rotation ID, time period
Activate a row version or bulk row version Row version ID, time period
Validate an MR or OTS Rotation ID, Schedule or Template editing mode, current view period
Validate a row version or bulk row version Row version ID, current view period
Process an MR or OTS Row ID, time period
Assign an employee Row ID, employee ID, time period, employee-based or row-based costing, assignment comment
Unassign an employee Row ID, row segment ID, time period, temporary flag, assignment comment
Place employee on LTA Row ID, row segment ID, time period, activity ID, assignment comment
Cancel LTA Row ID, row segment ID, time period
Update assignment Row ID, row segment ID, time period, activity ID, employee-based or row-based costing, assignment action, assignment comment

Validation results

When a custom validation is triggered, the result is defined using the class CalloutValidationError. These objects determine how a validation failure is displayed to users:
Object Type Description
msg String The warning or error message that is displayed to the user.
isError Boolean Determines if the validation failure causes a warning or error. true for an error or false for a warning.
locator CalloutErrorLocator class Determines where the validation failure is displayed on the Schedule table in the MR or OTS edit screen.

The isError Boolean value determines if a validation failure produces a warning or error. A warning is a "soft-stop" validation that displays a custom warning message. The user can choose to cancel the action or complete the action by acknowledging the warning message. An error is a "hard-stop" validation that disallows the action completely. The user is presented with a custom error message and the action is not performed.

The locator determines where validation failures are displayed on the Schedule table. Validation failures may be displayed for an entire row in the MR or OTS using the CalloutWholeRowLocator class. The AssignmentRowLocator class can be used to display the failure on a specific date, date range, or employee segment of the row.