Capturing the clock transaction time before or after surveys are completed

You can configure whether the clock transaction time for individual clock presets are captured before the surveys begin or after the surveys are completed.

Note: Clock presets are not supported in ETM.
  1. In the desktop application, select Maintenance > Reader Setup > Reader Configurations > Clock Preset.
  2. Click Edit beside the clock preset to configure.
  3. Select the Clock Before Surveys? option if the clock transaction time for the clock preset should be captured before the surveys begin. If this option is unselected, the clock transaction time for the clock preset is captured after the surveys are completed. This is the default.
    For an ON clock, this option should be selected to include the time it takes the employee to complete the surveys in the clock transaction time. For an OFF clock, this option should be unselected to include the take it takes the employee to complete the surveys in the clock transaction time.
  4. Click Save.