Displaying the current active labor metric on the homepage

By default, users must navigate to another part of the application to see all their clock-related information. For convenience, you can display the employee's current labor metric directly on the homepage within the Clock Status widget, for example:

Current Job: CASHIER

Users can then determine whether they need to change the labor metric according to what they are working on.

For this feature, only one type of labor metric can be displayed for all users. By default, the current job is displayed, but you can configure the MOBILE_ACTIVE_LM registry parameter to display the current department, time code, or docket.

For details, see "MOBILE_ACTIVE_LM" in the Infor Workforce Management Registry Parameter Reference Guide.

To determine the current labor metric value, the existing timesheet, schedule, and Employee Default Labor Allocation (EDLA) data are interrogated including pending clocks. However, there are limitations as in certain situations (especially crossing between days), the system does not know ahead of time which day a clock transaction will be associated to. In such cases, the displayed current labor metric value may change after the system processes the clocks and decides to which day they belong. If the system cannot determine the current labor metric value, no value is displayed.

  • Multiple splits in the EDLA are not supported.
  • This feature assumes the RESET_LABOR_METRICS_WHEN registry parameter is set to END_OF_SUMMARIES.

To view the current labor metric data on the homepage, users require View or Edit permission to the FIELD_CLOCKSTATUS_CURRENT_LABOR_METRIC element, which is found on the MOB_HOME_CLOCKS maintenance form. Separate elements are used to control whether the description and label of the current labor metric are displayed. For details, see Clock Status.

Each of the four labor metrics have a corresponding localization key starting with MOB_CURRENT_, which are found under the Mobility domain. For example, to localize the label for the current department, modify the value of the MOB_CURRENT_DEPARTMENT message. See Modifying mobility messages.

Note: The localized label is displayed based on the MOBILE_ACTIVE_LM registry setting. For example, when this registry parameter is set to Department, the MOB_CURRENT_DEPARTMENT localization key is used to display the label.