Adding Employee Availability Patterns
Select or search or refine employees as necessary in the
Navigation Pane.
Select the employees to which you want to add availability
information in the Results section.
Click the
Availability tab.
To create a new availability pattern:
- Select a start date
for when your specified availability pattern begins from the
Start Date calendar
- Select an end date for
when your specified availability pattern ends from the
End Date calendar
- Specify start and end
times in all relevant Start Time and End Time fields.
To create a new availability pattern when other patterns already
- Click
- Modify the start date
using the
Start Date calendar
lookup if you want the pattern to begin at a future date.
- Select an end date for
when the availability pattern that you specified ends using the End Date
calendar lookup.
- Specify start and end
times in all relevant Start Time and End Time fields.
To create a new availability pattern using an existing
availability pattern as a basis:
- Click
New & Copy.
- Modify the start or
end dates using the
Start and
End Date calendar
lookups if you want the pattern to begin or end at a date different that those
specified in the copied availability pattern.
- Modify start and end
times in all relevant Start Time and End Time fields.
Add and specify a second set of availability times, if necessary.