Break Rules

You can define break rules for a staff group to set up the rules around which employees can (or must) perform activities other than their regularly scheduled work. For example, an employee working a shift of a certain length might be required to take a meal break.

Rules pertaining to breaks identify the length of breaks required for shifts of various lengths. For example, you might specify that for every three hours worked, an employee be entitled to a 15-minute break. The application allocates breaks according to the defined break rules so as to maximize coverage.

Before setting up a break rule, you must have any related activities defined in the application. See Skill Team.

These components are used with shift rules:

Staff Group
A staff group to apply the break rule to.
Shift Length Min
The minimum number of hours a shift must be in order to apply a break rule.
Shift Length Max
The maximum number of hours a shift must be in order to apply a break rule.
For example, for a shift with a min length of 3 hours and a max length of 4 hours, the break rule could ensure employees in this staff group get a 15 minute break.
An activity to be assigned to the break.

Select one of these options:

  • 15 minutes to specify that the break lasts a quarter of an hour
  • 30 minutes to specify that the break lasts half an hour
  • 45 minutes to specify that the break lasts three-quarters of an hour
  • 60 minutes to specify that the break lasts one hour
Hours Range From
The number of hours that must pass before a break can be scheduled.
Hours Range To

The number of hours before the end of the shift that the break can be scheduled.

For an 8-hour shift with an Hours Range From value of 3 and a Hours Range To value of 5, the break rule could ensure employees in this staff group get a break (of the specified duration) between 3 and 5 hours after the shift starts. An employee scheduled from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM would be scheduled a break between 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM.