Employees must be associated with the skills they are expected to have in order to perform their assigned work. Employees cannot be assigned to a shift (either manually or by the Optimizer) unless the employee has the related skills.
For example, Employee A cannot be scheduled to work a Cashier shift if the employee does not have the skills associated with the Cashier job, such as cash register skills, cash handling skills, and customer service skills. If the scheduled shift is at the end of the day, the employee might require an additional skill set that encompasses the ability to close out the cash register, print off sales reports, and deposit cash.
You cannot associate an employee to a skill until both the employee and skill have been added to the application. For information about adding employees, see Employees. For information about adding skills, see Skills.
Related Tasks
You can perform these tasks on employee skills:
- View employee skill information by selecting the Skill tab in the Entity Details section when the Employee Results table is displayed.
- Add an employee skill.
- Edit or delete an employee skill or skills.