Fixed shifts allow schedulers to assign a consistent shift assignment pattern to specific employees. Fixed shift patterns are established for a defined number of days (typically a multiple of 7), specify a set of shifts, and specify how those shifts are broken-down (shift labor details). The pattern repeats from schedule period to schedule period for the duration of the fixed shift pattern.
For example, a 7-day fixed shift pattern starting Monday could have no shifts Monday (OFF), assigned shifts from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM Tuesday through Friday, a shift from 6:00 AM to noon on Saturday, and no scheduled hours on Sunday (OFF).
Fixed shifts allows the scheduling manager to count on having predictable coverage for that employee’s work every week. Fixed shifts also allows the employee to have a predictable work schedule and a guaranteed work week of the specified hours.
Presumably, the fixed shift schedule abides by the employee’s availability and the employee’s individual settings. (For example, the scheduled number of hours do not exceed the maximum or fall below the minimum). In addition, fixed shifts should not violate the schedule rules for that employee’s staff group. (For more information about staff groups, see Staff Groups.)
You can specify that an employee has a fixed shift pattern all of the time, part of the time, or none of the time. Specify this information in these locations:
- In the employee’s employee settings.
- In the Fixed Shift tab when the employee is selected in the Employee Results table.