
Post upgrade, if entities are changed to the unsupported Hours of Operation within the existing Location edit form, the LFSO Configuration Editor will not properly recognize the store or department hours of operation. Upon loading the Hours of Operation tab within the LFSO Configuration Editor, the days of the month will appear blank and, when performing an edit, each field will appear as a multi-value field. From the edit window, if the user makes a change, new hours of operation are created as a new defined set for this location, replacing what would have been previously inherited from the previous configuration.

If these issues are encountered post upgrade, users can make corrections within the existing location configuration screens to a supported type as outlined above or create new hours of operation within the Configuration Editor.

Forecasting and schedule generation are not affected by any changes required to support the mass configuration of hours of operation within the LFSO Configuration Editor. The Same as parent and Always use defaults options are still fully supported within schedule and forecast generation.