Scheduling a batch job using the job scheduler

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Job Scheduler.
  2. Click Add Schedule.
    The Task page is displayed.
  3. Specify a descriptive name in the Task Description field.
  4. At the Task Type section, select Java Task, then select Batch Scheduling from the drop-down list.
  5. Assign a specific scheduler to run the task in the Task Affinity field.
  6. In the Scheduled Time section, specify this information:
    Run at
    Specify the time to run the task.
    Select the applicable time zone using the lookup. By default, the Timezone field displays your actual local time zone. If you leave the Timezone field as the default, the Run at time will be run at the employee’s local time.
  7. In the Scheduling Time section, select one of these options:
    • Once to schedule the task to run only once.
    • Daily to schedule the task to run by intervals of days and minutes.
    • Weekly to schedule the task to run by day of week.
    • Monthly to schedule the task to run by month and by day of month.
  8. If you selected Daily, use one of these options:
    • Specify the number of days between runs in the Every Day(s) field.
    • Specify the number of seconds between runs in the Interval Second(s) field. The system allows for a minimum of 5 seconds between runs (-1 indicates that the field is not used).
  9. If you selected Weekly, select the check boxes to indicate which days of the week the task will be run on.
  10. If you selected Monthly, use one of these options:
    • Select the Day Of option and type the day of month to indicate which date the task runs.
    • Select the Of option and select the week of the month and the day of week to indicate which day the task runs. For example, you can select Second and Thursday to run the task every second Thursday of the month.
    • Select the check boxes to indicate which months of the year the task runs.
  11. At the Blackout Period section, select None.
  12. In the Scheduling Range section, specify this information:
    Start On
    Select the date that you want the task run to begin.
    End By
    Specify the end date of the task run. Or, if the task run has an infinite end date, leave the field blank.
  13. Click Submit, and click OK at the confirmation prompt.
    Your batch scheduling task is added to the list of scheduled tasks in the Task Schedules page.
  14. For your batch scheduling task, click Parameters to specify job parameters. The Schedule Settings page is displayed.
  15. Specify this information:
    Select the location for which the schedule is to be generated using the lookup.
    Schedule Name
    Specify the name of the schedule being generated.
    Min Day Offset To Start Date
    Specify the number of days between the batch execution date and the schedule start date. During batch execution, the system obtains the schedule start date by adding the minimum offset to the current date and then forwarding the date until the day of week matches the start day of week as defined for the location.
    Delete Existing
    Select this check box to delete existing schedules before creating the new schedule.
    Workmail Notification
    Select the users to be notified when the job is complete.
    Dash Server
    Optionally, specify a dash server.
  16. Click Submit to save the task parameters.