Viewing an existing forecast
Weekly forecasts are created based on historical data that is added to the application.
The application produces forecasts that reflect the daily distributed workload by driver for a forecasting unit, such as a store.
- Select .
- Click for the forecast that you want to display.
The weekly forecast is displayed.
- The name, location, and period for the forecast is displayed at the top left of a forecast.
- The Manager section of the forecast screen displays the total forecasted workload for the store for the date period displayed above.
- Both the original and the final Sales and Payroll% values are displayed.
- The Original Forecast value displays what the forecasting engine produced. The Final Forecast value displays edits to the forecast.
- The currently displayed driver is listed in parenthesis to the right of the Forecast Displayed heading.
- The Forecast Displayed section contains hyperlinks that allow you to change the displayed information.
- The Forecast Numbers section displays the forecasted workload for each day of the week and for each driver. The weekly total is also displayed for each driver.
- Each forecast driver reflects the historical data that is imported into the application for that specific type of volume.