Configuring a locale

Use the Configure Locale page to configure key system settings on a per-locale basis.

Note: Infor OS Portal does not support all locales. In these scenarios, WFM uses the English locale and language as a default.

See the list of supported locales in Locales supported in Infor OS Portal.

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Data Localization > Configure Locale.
  2. Use the Name field or the Language drop-down to locate the language and locale you want to configure.
    Note: You can also use the Prev and Next buttons to navigate through the available languages and locales in your deployment of WFM.
  3. Click Find.
  4. Modify one or more of these settings for your locale:
    System Date Format
    Specify the date format for your locale.
    System 24 Hour Time
    Select the check box to specify 24-hour time format. If you do not select the check box the system will use 12 hour time by default.
    System Week Start Day
    Specify the first day of the week for your locale. If you do not specify a day, the system will use the value specified for the English locale by default. If a value is not specified for the English locale, Monday is used.
    System Currency
    Specify the format of the currency symbol for your locale.
    Reporting Currency
    Select a reporting currency for your locale using the Reporting Currency field drop-down. This is the target currency that is displayed in operational reporting and analytics (but not in other areas of the application). The default currency is DEF.
  5. Click Save.
For configuration details for each of these fields, see the appropriate configuration overview topics in Key system settings.