Modifying data directly in the Import Transaction Details section

This procedure describes how to modify data in the import staging table (WBINT_IMPORT) using the Import Transaction Details section. This enables you to resolve errors after the import data processing phase (interface task) without editing the original CSV file and re-importing the CSV file data into the staging table (import task).

By default, the Import Transaction and the Import Transaction Details pages are not editable. To modify data in these pages, you must configure and localize the Import Transaction and Import Transaction Details maintenance forms. See Enabling modifications to the Import Transactions page.

To modify data directly in the Import Transaction Details section:

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Interfaces > Import Transactions.
  2. Click Edit corresponding to the import transaction that you want to modify.
    The Import Transactions Detail page is displayed.

    The information that is displayed in the Import Transactions Detail section is the same information that is displayed in the Import Transactions page. See Viewing import or export transactions.

    The Import Transaction Details section (lower) lets you modify records in the staging table (WBINT_IMPORT) so they can be can be re-processed and inserted into their respective application tables. This information is displayed in the Import Transaction Details section:

    The status of the record:
    • APPLIED: The record in the staging table has been processed and inserted into the respective application table.
    • PENDING: The record has been inserted into the import staging table and has not been processed into the application tables. The next interface task for this interface type processes this record and attempts to insert the record into the respective application table.
    • ERROR: There was an error during the processing stage (interface task) and this record was not inserted into the application tables.
    Displays error message information that helps you identify the general source of the problem.
    Proc Date
    The date that the import file is processed on.
    Columns A-CZ
    Corresponds to the fields in the import file.
    The columns A through CZ correspond to the fields in the import CSV file, from where you can make updates to the fields of the records. After you have made an update, you must also set the status of each record and the WBitran status to PENDING. The PENDING status enables modified records to be processed the next time the Job Scheduler's interface task is run for that interface type.
  3. Find the source of the import error.
    The Message column displays error messages for each record.
  4. For each error, edit the field of the record that is causing the error. Select PENDING in the Status field of the record you have modified.
  5. From the Import Transactions Detail section, select PENDING from the Wbitran field.
  6. Click Submit.
    The next time the interface task for that particular interface type runs from the Job Scheduler, the task processes all pending records.