
The DailyPay Payroll Export Task offers an out-of-the-box integration solution for Workforce Management and DailyPay.

Use the DailyPay Payroll Export Task to generate the required file for DailyPay.

Payroll Export Task

Workforce Management considers DailyPay as a payment system. Do not run the DailyPay exports through the Payroll Close Wizard. Instead, use the Payroll Export Task. The Payroll Export Task for DailyPay is the only way to run the export for DailyPay.

Note: As a best practice, when running the Payroll Export Task for DailyPay, the offset should be set to 21 days. This offset provides the optimal value from the DailyPay integration.

File locations and specifications

The default file location for DailyPay is:


For MT and ST configurations, contact the Infor Cloud Operations team to create a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) user with access to these folders:

  • /interfacefiles/dailypay
  • /interfacefiles/dailypay/OLD
Note: For on-premises configurations, update the file path to reflect your file server structure.

The Output File Mask for DailyPay is:


Customer_name is the customer name in DailyPay. Edit this field to match the customer name you have set up with DailyPay. See Modifying a Payroll Export Task.

The Output File Extension is CSV.

Job Scheduler task parameters

Select these parameters for the DailyPay Payroll Export Task:

Task Type
Payroll Export Task
Payroll Export Parameters: Interface Type
Payroll Export
Payroll Export Parameters: Export Type

For the remaining parameters, see Setting up Payroll Exports.

Field mapping

This table shows the field mapping details between WFM and DailyPay. For an explanation of the WFM fields, see VIEW_PAYEXP_CURRENT fields.

Col WFM Field Field in the Export File (Header Row) DailyPay Field Field Format in DailyPay Notes
A Emp_Name Employee ID User Id AB37559

DailyPay transforms the data as required.

This is the Employee identifier.

B Emp_Firstname Employee First Name Informational only
C Emp_Lastname Employee Last Name Informational only
D Wrkd_Work_Date Worked Date job_date 2022-09-23
E Wrkd_Start_Time Work Start Time job_started_at 2022-09-12T10:38:23-04:00
F Wrkd_End_Time Work End Time job_ended_at
G Paygrp_ID Paygroup pay_group AB37559
H Calcgrp_ID Calc Group

No direct mapping on DailyPay.

Informational only

I Htype_ID Hour Type

No direct mapping on DailyPay.

Informational only

WFM sample values: REG, OT1

J Tcode_ID Time Code

No direct mapping on DailyPay.

Informational only

WFM sample values: WRK, UAT

K Wrkd_Minutes Worked Hours job_hours

DailyPay uses hours but can convert minutes to hours.

WFM sends minutes/60.

L Wrkd_Rate Work Rate job_earnings

WFM sends the final calculated rate.

If this field is blank or zero, DailyPay takes the rate from HR system.

M Wrks_Authorized Is Authorized?

No direct mapping on DailyPay

Informational only.

WFM sample values: Y/N

Benchmark performance

This table shows benchmark performance testing for the Workforce Management and DailyPay integration using the Payroll Export Task.

Scenarios Data Used Results
Run DailyPay with 330,000 rows

No. of work records per employee: 21

No. of rows per pay group: 110,000 rows

No. of Pay Groups: 3 Pay Groups

No. of Employees: 15,000 employees

Total No. of rows: 330,000 rows

Average: 02:20.36 mins

1st: 02:08.82 mins

2nd: 02:13.31 mins

3rd: 02:40.13 mins

Run DailyPay with 660,000 rows

No. of work records per employee: 21

No. of rows per pay group: 110,000 rows

No. of Pay Groups: 6 Pay Groups

No. of Employees: 30,000 employees

Total No. of rows: 660,000 rows

Average: 04:32.75 mins

1st: 04:19.88 mins

2nd: 04:35.89 mins

3rd: 04.44.61 mins

Run DailyPay with 1,020,000 rows

No. of work records per employee: 34

No. of rows per pay group: 170,000 rows

No. of Pay Groups: 6 Pay Groups

No. of Employees: 30,000 employees

Total No. of rows: 1,020,000 rows

Average: 08:44.62 mins

1st: 08:59.48 mins

2nd: 08:38.80 mins

3rd: 08:35.58 mins

Run DailyPay with 4,020,000 rows

No. of work records per employee: 134

No. of rows per pay group: 670000 rows

No. of Pay Groups: 6 Pay Groups

No. of Employees: 30,000 employees

Total No. of rows: 4,020,000 rows

Average: 35:02.69 mins

1st: 35:24.00 mins

2nd: 35:13.29 mins

3rd: 34:31.26 mins

Sample XML

<payroll_export plugin="com.workbrain.app.export.payroll.daily.DailyPayrollExportPlugin">
       <field name='EMP_NAME'/>
<field name='emp_firstname'/>
<field name='emp_lastname'/>
       <field name='WRKD_WORK_DATE'/>
<field name='WRKD_START_TIME'/>
<field name='WRKD_END_TIME'/>
<field name='PAYGRP_NAME'/>
<field name='CALCGRP_NAME'/>
<field name='htype_name'/>
       <field name='TCODE_NAME'/>
       <field name='wrkd_minutes'/>
       <field name='WRKD_RATE'/>
<field name='wrks_authorized'/>
       <dummy_field name='EARN_CODE'/>
            <output_row />
               <constant>Employee ID</constant>
               <constant>Employee First Name</constant>
               <constant>Employee Last Name</constant>
               <constant>Worked Date</constant>
               <constant>Work Start Time</constant>
               <constant>Work End Time</constant>
			   <constant>Calc group</constant>
               <constant>Hour Type</constant>
               <constant>Time Code</constant>
               <constant>Worked Hours</constant>
			   <constant>Work Rate</constant>
			   <constant>Is Authorized?</constant>
           <string field='EMP_NAME' />
           <string field='emp_firstname' />
           <string field='emp_lastname' />
           <datetime field='WRKD_WORK_DATE' format='yyyy-MM-dd'/>
         <datetime field='WRKD_START_TIME' format='yyyy-MM-ddHH:mm:ssZ'/>
          <datetime field='WRKD_END_TIME' format='yyyy-MM-ddHH:mm:ssZ'/>
		  <string field='paygrp_name' />
		    <string field='calcgrp_name' />
           <string field='htype_name' />
		   <string field='tcode_name' />
		    <number field='WRKD_MINUTES' format='########0.00' divide='60' null='***'/>
           <number field='WRKD_RATE' format='#0.000' null='***'/>
           <string field='wrks_authorized' />