Setting Up Fixed Width Exports

To set a Fixed Width Export:

  1. Create a definition file for the data to be exported.
    For information about setting up a definition file, see the field specifications of the individual export interface topics within this chapter.
  2. Schedule your regular export task in the Job Scheduler, but specify as the Transmitter Class parameter. For example:
    Task Type
    Export Task
    Interface Task Parameters: Interface Type
    Select the export interface type you want to use.
    Export Interface Type Parameters:
    The Export Interface Type parameters are specific to the interface type selected. These parameters are described in the various interface topics within this chapter.
    Transmitter Class
    For Fixed Width Export, specify this transmitter class:

    When this transmitter class is selected, the Fixed Width Transmitter Parameters page is displayed for you to specify the definition file.

See General procedures.

After setting up the Fixed Width Export, you can use the Job Scheduler to run the export process.

Fixed Width Export cannot be used with the Payroll Export Interface. The Payroll Export Interface uses a different method of formatting the exported data.