Mobile clock data performance

This topic shows the results of an investigation of the data usage of clocks using mobile data. The investigation covers daily clock procedures, including dbupdates, swipes, and template imports.

These configuration settings were used:

  • DBUpdate.intervalSecs: 300
  • SwipeExport.intervalSecs: 120
  • DBPurge.intervalSecs: 86400
  • FingerPrintExport.intervalSecs: 180
  • MessageProcessor.intervalSecs: 60
  • FileUpdate.intervalSecs: 600
  • ScheduleTabledump.intervalSecs: 43200
  • TimeApprovalSynchronizer.intervalSecs: 0
  • ReaderStatusExport.intervalSecs: 300

This table shows the consumption of data that was tabulated based on these settings:

Measure Result
Initial download (2000 employees, 6000 schedules, 200 * 5 labor metric codes) 3.6 MiB
Swipe export (2000 swipes in 10 hours) 15.2 MiB
Schedule Tabledump (6000 schedules) 1.7 MiB
Dbupdate (100 changes) 0.1 MiB
Dbupdate (500 changes) 0.5 MiB
File Update (9.94 Mb) 14.3 MiB
No swipes for 24 hours (Schedule Tabledump by default) 43.1 MiB
Average data consumed per day (Schedule Tabledump + Swipe Export) 59.2 MiB