GDPR compliance and Infor Workforce Management

All companies that do business in the EU must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. This regulation strengthens the rights of individuals over their personal data and uniformly regulates throughout Europe the obligations of companies to protect this personal data.

Infor Workforce Management may store personal data. This document identifies how you can use Workforce Management’s features to help meet the requirements of this regulation.

You should note however that if Workforce Management is not the system of record, changes to data should first be made in the system of record and propagated to Workforce Management through the import process. While data can be changed directly in Infor Workforce Management, an import of the data from the system of record may overwrite these updates. As a best practice, you should first update any inaccuracies in the system of record.

This document outlines tools and processes that will assist you in achieving GDPR compliance in version of Workforce Management, including the ability to permanently delete employee personal data with a built-in permanent erasure tool.

If you are using an earlier version of Infor Workforce Management, contact Infor Support for details on how to comply with GDPR in earlier versions of the product.

Note: This document is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Your own legal team will need to offer counsel as it relates to your business and its compliance with the regulation.