Viewing the Supervisor Summary

The Supervisor Summary shows the hours that employees worked and the details of their labor allocation for any week. Data is gathered from Daily and Weekly Timesheets, depending on which employees use. From the summary, supervisors can authorize both submitted or unsubmitted timesheets.

You select the timesheets to include in the Supervisor Summary by searching for employees, teams, shift patterns, or calculation groups.

Note: Because the summary requires timesheet data for the entire work week, there may be cases where Daily Timesheet data is not included. Any employees with unsubmitted days during the pay period are not included in the summary.
  1. Ensure that the default approval worksheet is set to Supervisor Summary.
  2. Select My Approval.
  3. Do one of these:
    • Specify the date of the week you want to summarize in the Start Date field.
    • Select the week of the timesheets to summarize from the Week Start Date drop-down list if the Start Date field is left blank.
  4. Select the authorization status from the Authorization drop-down list:
    • All: Summarize all timesheets.
    • Weekly Timesheet Authorized Records: Includes timesheets with at least one authorized day.
    • Unauthorized: Includes timesheets with at least one unauthorized day.
    • Fully Authorized: Includes timesheets where every day is authorized.
    • Fully Unauthorized Timesheets only: Includes timesheets where every day is unauthorized.
  5. Select which timesheets to include from the Timesheet Submitted drop-down list:
    • All: Shows all timesheets.
    • Submitted Only: Shows submitted timesheets only.
    • Not Submitted Only: Shows only timesheets that have not been submitted.
  6. Specify this information:
    Select the employee timesheets that are included in the summary. You can include any number of employees by specifying a comma between each entry or selecting multiple check boxes using the lookup.
    Select the teams you want to include in the summary.
    Include Sub Teams
    Select the check box to include the timesheets of sub team members as well.
    Shift Patterns
    Select a shift pattern to include the timesheets of any employee working this shift pattern.
    Calc Groups
    Select a calculation group to include the timesheets of any employee in the group.
    Pay Groups
    Select the payroll groups you want to include in the summary.
    Order By
    Select the display order for the timesheets from the drop-down list.
  7. Click Go.
    Every time code may not be displayed on the Supervisor Summary. System administrators set the time codes that are displayed.