Displaying applied clocks including location data on the timesheet

To enable the displaying of applied clocks on the timesheet, you must grant users access to the Day Clocks Applied tab. This tab combines applied clocks data with the ability to display the location of the clock (including its GPS coordinates) on a map.

Note: The existing Clocks Applied tab cannot be used to display location data.
  1. Select Timesheet.
  2. Click the Turn ON config mode icon.
  3. Select any employee’s timesheet using the Timesheet Selection page, and click Load.
  4. Expand the row of a particular day to view the work details for that day.
  5. Click the localization (orange diamond) icon above the button.
    The Field Localization window is displayed for the TS_DETAIL_TABS field.
  6. In the Field Parameters text box, update the tabs parameter to include Day Clocks Applied:
    tabs='DayBalances,Retro Adjustments,Clocks Pending,Clocks Rejected,Day Clocks Applied'
  7. Click Save and close the window.
  8. Click the Turn OFF config mode icon.
  9. Click the Turn ON config mode icon.
  10. Select any employee’s timesheet using the Timesheet Selection page, and click Load.
  11. Expand the row of a particular day to view the work details for that day.
  12. Click the button.
  13. Click the security (key) icon next to the Day Clocks Applied tab.
  14. Select the user's security group from the Security Group drop-down list.
  15. Select view from the Permission Flag drop-down list.
  16. Click Save and close the window.
  17. Click the Turn OFF config mode icon.
    Users can now view an applied clock's geolocation on the timesheet.

    See Viewing the geolocation of applied clocks.