Running the Rule Tracer

To run the Rule Tracer, click the Trace link for the day that you want to examine in the Daily Timesheet. The Rule Tracer opens in a popup panel.

At the top of the panel, the Rule Tracer shows the auto recalc period and the recalculation period, if one is configured for the employee's calculation group. The section at the top of the panel also shows future balances.

Below that, the grid in the Registry section shows all registry parameters that relate to the day's calculations.

Below the Registry section, the main section of the Rule Tracer shows the trace information organized in a list of rules and other calculations such as overrides, clocks, entitlements, and balance transfers. Each item is an expandable tree. Click the + icon next to an item to display additional details. For example, each rule’s condition sets, conditions, and parameters are displayed under the rule.

These icons are used in the trace information:

  • Rules, condition sets, and conditions that were executed are marked with a green check mark.
  • Rules, condition sets, and conditions that were not executed are marked with a red X.

The Rule Tracer also shows any exceptions caused by the rule. If a rule has not run, No results - the rule did not execute is displayed.

Within each section of calculation data, these colored highlights are used:

  • Blue indicates that the record was changed.
  • Green indicates that the record was added.
  • Red indicates that the record was deleted.