Configuring the Overtime Request form in ETM

As a system administrator, you must configure the Overtime Request form in ETM and grant access to the appropriate security groups. The Overtime Request form must be added to ETM as new content.

  1. Log into ETM.
  2. Click Config Utilities.
  3. Click the folder icon of the Work Schedule folder to open it.
  4. Click New Content below the Work Schedule folder to add content.
  5. Specify this information:
    Specify Overtime Request.
    Optionally, specify a description.
    Page Type
    Select HTML from the drop-down list:
    Content URL
    Specify /etm/modules/shifttrades/etmBOView.jsp?busObjTyp_id=187.
    Sort Order ID
    Specify the sort order for the content. For example, 1300. The content items are sorted from the lowest order ID to the higher order ID.
  6. Click Pick Group Permissions.
    The Choose Groups window is displayed.
  7. Select the security groups that you want to give access to the Overtime Request form. For example, EMPLOYEE, SUPERVISORS, and SYSTEM ADMINS.
  8. Click Done.
  9. Click Submit to confirm your changes. At the confirmation notification, click OK to return to the Config Utility.
The Overtime Request from will be displayed as a tab under the Work Schedule page in ETM for the users that you granted access.