Viewing the geolocation of applied clocks

You can view an applied clock's geolocation on the timesheet.
  1. Expand the row of a day in the timesheet to view the work details for that day.
  2. Click the button.
    Note: To view the geolocation of a clock, you must have permission to view the Day Clocks Applied tab.

    See Displaying applied clocks including location data on the timesheet.

  3. Select the Day Clocks Applied tab.
    For each applied clock, the timestamp, type, and reader group are displayed. A map icon is displayed when a clock has latitude and longitude information. If geo-validation is enabled, a warning icon is displayed if a clock is outside the boundary of the employee's expected geolocation, outside the employee's schedule, or has no coordinates.
  4. Hover over the map icon of a clock record to display the location of the applied clock on a map.
    The location of the team where the employee was scheduled at the time of the clock is marked with a blue team pin and a circle indicating the radius (if any). The team pin shows the exact location of the employee's expected geolocation at the time of the clock. Employees that are scheduled to work on multiple teams on the day may have multiple expected geolocations at certain times of the day (indicated by multiple team pins).

    If the clock occurred inside the boundary of the employee's expected geolocation, the clock's exact location is marked with a green pin. If the clock occurred outside the boundary of the employee's expected geolocation, the clock's exact location is marked with an orange pin.

    Note: If the employee does not have an expected geolocation at the time the clock was recorded, a blue team pin and circle are not displayed. The exact location of the clock is marked with an orange pin indicating that the clock is outside of the employee's schedule.

    See Expected geolocations.