Performing time approvals

If the Time Approval feature is enabled, time approval records can be accessed by pressing the Time Approval button.

  1. Using the keypad of the keyboard, the computer mouse or the tough monitor, enter a badge number.
  2. Press the Time Approval button.
    If there are time approval records to approve, they will be displayed as follows:

    Please review your worked time for: 03/07/2011 hrs 08:00 for daily, or

    Please review your worked time for 03/07/2011 03/13/2011 hrs 40:00 for weekly

    Press one of these options:

    • 1 = Yes
    • 2 = No
    • 3 = Skip

    If there are no records to approve, the system will display the message “No approvals available” and return to normal clock operations.

  3. If time approval records are displayed, press one of these options:
    • 1 to approve the hours worked.
    • 2 to reject the hours worked.
    • 3 to skip the record.

    If the record is skipped, it will appear at the next clock on to be approved or rejected. If more than one record is to be approved, they will be displayed until all records have been processed. If there are no more approvals to be displayed, the system displays “No more approvals available” and the clock reader returns to its idle state.