Configuring the Consecutive Types validation
With the Consecutive Types validation you can prevent similar swipes within a certain period and based on one or more conditions.
- In WFM, select Maintenance > Reader Setup > Validations > Clock Validations.
- Click Edit for the CONSECUTIVE_TYPES validation
- Under Reader Types, specify the TimeTrack reader and click Save.
- Select Maintenance > Reader Setup > Reader Configurations > Reader Configuration Setup.
- Click Edit for your current reader configuration.
- In the Configuration Properties search box, specify validation.consecutive_types and click Find.
Specify the appropriate values for these properties depending on your business
requirements. A description of each property is also available in the Property Description column:
- validation.consecutive_types.enable
- You must enable this property for the validation to work.
- validation.consecutive_types.length_in_minutes
The amount of time, in minutes, for which two swipes of the same type is not allowed one after the other (0 - to not allow swipes of the same type at all).
For example, you could set this value to 5 minutes for the minimum length. With this configuration, if you clock in you cannot clock in again within 5 minutes. The clock in punch is rejected.
- validation.consecutive_types.skip_in_supervisor_mode
- Skip this validation in supervisor mode.
- validation.consecutive_types.type
- Defines which swipe types trigger the validation. Specify a
comma separated list for multiple swipe types.
Default values for the above properties can be found at Maintenance > Reader Setup > Reader Configurations > Configuration Property Definitions.
- Click Save.