
This section includes examples that describe the OFF clock process.

Example 1: Clock is within MAX_ON_TIME

  • The MRP clock is February 10 at 5:00AM (05:00).
  • The MAX_ON_TIME value is 16.

These steps describe the process:

  1. The processing of an OFF clock punch for February 10 at 3:00PM (15:00) is started.
  2. The first calculation is performed: 05:00 + 16:00 = 21:00.
  3. Because the OFF punch is before 21:00, the clock is placed on the work summary for February 10.

Example 2: Clock is not within MAX_ON_TIME and is close to a scheduled off time

This example includes this scenario:

  • The MRP clock is February 10 at 5:00AM (05:00).
  • On February 9, the employee's schedule ends at 5:00PM (17:00).
  • On February 10, the employee's schedule ends at 6:00PM (18:00).
  • On February 11, the employee's schedule ends at 7:00PM (19:00).
  • The MAX_ON_TIME value is 16.
  • The OFF_CLK_ADJ_MIN value is 15.

These steps describe the process:

  1. The processing of an OFF clock punch for February 10 at 10:00PM (22:00) is started.
  2. The first calculation is performed: 05:00 + 16:00 = 21:00.

    Because the OFF clock of 22:00 is not before 21:00, the next phase of calculations is started.

  3. February 10 is checked. This calculation is performed: (22:00 + 00:15) - 18:00 = 255 minutes.
  4. February 9 is checked. This calculation is performed: (22:00 + 00:15) - 17:00 + 24 hours (for day difference) = 1755 minutes.
  5. February 11 is checked. This calculation is performed: (22:00 + 00:15) - 19:00 + 24 hours (for day difference) = 1635 minutes.
  6. Because February 10 has the smallest positive difference, the clock is placed on the February 10 work summary.

Example 3: Clock is not within MAX_ON_TIME and one day is scheduled OFF

This scenario is used for this exercise:

  • The MRP clock is February 10 at 5:00AM (05:00).
  • On February 9, the employee's schedule ends at 5:00PM (17:00).
  • On February 10, the employee's schedule ends at 5:00PM (17:00).
  • On February 11, the employee is scheduled OFF.
  • The OFF_CLK_ADJ_MIN value is 0.
  • The MAX_ON_TIME value is 10.

These steps describe the process:

  1. The processing of an OFF clock for 6:00PM (18:00) on February 10 is started.
  2. The first calculation is performed: 5:00 + 10:00 = 15:00.

    Because the OFF clock of 18:00 is not before 15:00, the next calculations are performed.

  3. February 10 is checked. This calculation is performed: 18:00 - 17:00 = 60 minutes.
  4. February 9 is checked. This calculation is performed: 18:00 - 17:00 + 24 hours (for the difference in day) = 1500 minutes.
  5. February 11 is checked. Because no schedule for that day is found, the algorithm looks back a maximum of two days to find a schedule.
    1. A schedule on February 10 is found and that end time, 17:00, is used for February 11.
    2. The calculation for February 11 is 18:00 - 17:00 + 24 hours (for the difference in day) = 1500 minutes.
  6. Because February 10 has the lowest positive difference, the clock is placed on the work summary for that day.

Example 4: No schedule data can be found for all three days

This example includes this scenario:

  • MAX_ON_TIME = -1; therefore, the MRP clock is not used.
  • On February 7, the employee is scheduled OFF.
  • On February 8, the employee is scheduled OFF.
  • On February 9, the employee is scheduled OFF.
  • On February 10, the employee is scheduled OFF.
  • On February 11, the employee is scheduled OFF.
  • The OFF_CLK_ADJ_MIN value is 0.

These steps describe the process:

  1. The processing of an OFF clock for 18:00 on February 10 is started.
  2. February 10 is checked.
    1. Because no schedule is found for that day, the algorithm looks back a maximum of two days to find a schedule
    2. Because all of those days are OFF, no schedule can be found to use as a template. The score of -1 is assigned to February 10.
  3. February 9 is checked. Again, no schedule is found for that day and the score of -1 is assigned.
  4. February 11 is checked and again a score of -1 is assigned.
  5. Usually, the OFF clock is assigned to the lowest positive score. In this case, since all scores are -1, the OFF clock is assigned in this order: day of the clock, day before, and day after.
  6. The OFF clock is placed on February 10.