Adding reader groups

The 6000 series clock must belong to a reader group in the WFM application. A reader group, which contains employees and clocks, determines which employees can use the 6000 series clock to perform clock punches. Only the employees in the same reader group as a clock can use the clock to perform punches. If the WFM application does not have reader groups, you must add at least one. One clock can belong to only one reader group at any given time.

Multiple reader groups may be required for security reasons. Employees are allowed to perform clock punches on any clock in their reader group. If certain employees must be restricted to clocking in and out with specified clocks, assign those employees and clocks to their own reader group.

Generally, you create reader groups based on the location and grouping of the clocks. You will require at least one reader group per site. Often you must create multiple reader groups for different areas in one location. For example, at a large facility, you might want all the clocks by the north entrance in one reader group. If you then assign all the employees whose work stations are located closest to the north entrance to that reader group, the employees can clock in and out using the nearest clocks.

  1. Select Maintenance > Reader Setup > Reader Organization > Reader Groups.
  2. Click Create New Entry.

    The Reader Groups Detail page is displayed.

  3. Specify the name of the reader group in the Reader Group field.
  4. Specify a brief description of the reader group's purpose in the Description field.
  5. Select the group's server, as defined in the previous set of steps, using the Reader Server lookup.