Viewing missed swipes
The HTML clock can be configured to display missed swipes (such as a
or an ) by implementing the Scheduled Swipes module. The Scheduled Swipes module tracks expected swipes based on your schedule. When you miss an expected swipe, you are presented with the missed swipe on the HTML clock. You can then confirm or correct the time associated with the missed swipe.If you do not want to address the missed swipe, you may also have the option of escalating all missed swipes for the current day. In this case the missed swipes will not appear again for the current day.
You should also note the following about Scheduled Swipes:
- When performing swipes on behalf of an employee as a supervisor, the HTML clock will not display missed swipes for the employee.
- When missed swipes are reviewed as part of a punch, the time spent addressing missed swipes is included in an employee's worked time.
- When missed swipes are reviewed as part of an punch, the time spent addressing missed swipes is not included in your break time.