Configuring Administration Console for a secure connection

If you are configuring WBCS to use HTTPS, you will also need to configure Administration Console to connect securely to WBCS.

Note: his procedure assumes that you have already completed the configuration for HTTPS in WBCS as outlined in Requesting a signed certificate for WBCS and Configuring HTTP and HTTPS in WBCS.
  1. Open the settings.conf file with a text editor. The file is located in the \conf sub-directory of the WBCS installation file.
  2. Modify ssl.adminConsole.enabled setting to the following:
  3. Save the settings.conf file and restart the WBCS service.
  4. Connect to WBCS with Administration Console.
Once connected to WBCS in secure mode, Administration Console will display Connected Securely to: <hostname or IP address>:<port> on the title bar. For HTTP or non-secure connections, Administration Console will display Connected to: <hostname or IP address>:<port>.