Configuring the Consecutive Types validation

The Consecutive Types validation allows you to prevent similar swipes to be performed within a certain period and based on one or more conditions. The validation can use these conditions:

Setting Description
length The amount of time (in minutes) for which two swipes of the same type will not be allowed one after the other (0 - to not allow swipes of the same type at all).

For example, you could set this value to 5 minutes for the minimum length. With this configuration, if you clock in you cannot clock in again within 5 minutes. The clock in punch will be rejected.

For example:

com.infor.wfm.clock.server.validation.ConsecutiveTypesValidation.length = 5
type Defines which swipe types trigger the validation. The condition can take a comma separated list of swipe types. For example:

com.infor.wfm.clock.server.validation.ConsecutiveTypesValidation.type = 01,02,06

For more information on the various swipe types, see Swipe types.

swipeCompare Defines which attribute of the clock punches are compared to determine if the punches are duplicates. This condition accepts these values:
  • TYPE: Compares the swipe type of each clock punch.
  • TCode: Used for EXTRADATA comparison. If this value is set, consecutive types validation will extract the value from extra data and compare it. A possible scenario for using this value is preventing an employee from changing a time code within a certain time based on the length parameter.
  • SUPERVISOR: Compares the supervisor badge, such that it prevents the same supervisor from executing a punch for the employee based on another condition. e.g., TYPE.
  • DATE: Compares the date part of the swipe time and prevents a swipe of similar type during the same day. For example, 20200220 1700.
  • TIME: Compares the time part of the swipe time. For example, 20200220 1700.

For example, you can specify these comma-separated values: com.infor.wfm.clock.server.validation.ConsecutiveTypesValidation.swipeCompare = TYPE, TCode

An example implementation of this validation in the settings.conf configuration file is as follows. This example will prevent the employee from a duplicate clock in punch, clock out punch, or time code punch within 5 minutes:

com.infor.wfm.clock.server.validation.ConsecutiveTypesValidation.length = 5
# .swipeCompare specifies swipe properties to compare
com.infor.wfm.clock.server.validation.ConsecutiveTypesValidation.swipeCompare = TYPE, TCode
com.infor.wfm.clock.server.validation.ConsecutiveTypesValidation.type = 01,02,06