Troubleshooting WBCS

This section describes potential problems with the WBCS and actions you can take to resolve them. It also outlines how to configure the SLF4J logging framework to troubleshoot issues.

Problem Details and Resolution
No employees are displayed in the admin console Ensure that the WBCS is a member of at least one reader group in the system. You can view to which reader groups the WBCS belongs on the Reader Groups page, accessed through this menu path in the WFM application: Maintenance > Reader Setup > Reader Groups
Clock punches are not displayed on the timesheets Ensure that the Process Clocks task is running in the Job Scheduler and is scheduled to run frequently enough. The Job Scheduler is accessed through this menu path in the WFM application: Maintenance > System Administration > Job Scheduler
  • Verify that the last run time of the Process Clocks task has occurred recently.
  • Double-check that you are viewing the correct employee's timesheet for the correct dates.
  • In the Admin Console, check the Journal tab to ensure the clock punches exist and have a value of T in the SENDTOXML column. If there is a backlog of clock punches without a T value, the punches are not being sent to the system. If so, check the Log tab of the Admin Console for communication errors and verify the connection between the WBCS and the system server.
ERROR 022307003049 [exportswipes] - ReaderException while exporting Swipes : com.infor.wfm.clock.server.wbsynch. Communication Exception: Protocol not found: /wb:wsclocksinbound Ensure that the value for the wbsynch.webservice.url setting in settings.conf is a valid URL. The setting needs to be the same address as the system server with /axis/services appended to the address. For example,
ERROR 022307004502 [exportswipes ] - Exception duringsendSwipe() - connection not Communication Exception: Could not login into web service. Reason: (404)Not Found Ensure that the value for the wbsynch.webservice.url setting in settings.conf is a valid URL. The setting needs to be the same address as the system server with /axis/services appended to the address. For example,
ERROR 022307004727 [exportswipes] - Exception during sendSwipe() - connection not Exception: Could not login into web service. Reason: java.rmi.RemoteException: Unable to login user [], [1], [DEFAULT].null; nested exception is:com.infor.wfm.webservices.exception.WSApplicationException Ensure that the value for the wbsynch.webservice.username and wbsynch.webservice.password found in settings.conf are valid credentials to log into the system. The WBCS username and password can be viewed and set with the Admin Console. Valid credentials are defined in the system in the Users page, accessed with this menu path: Maintenance > Security > Users