Updating your SLF4J logging configuration

This topic outlines how to modify your logging configuration directly by modifying the log.xml file in your clock installation directory. Details about how to update the root logger logging level are outlined in Modifying log file settings using Admin Console, but this topic also provides instructions for updating the logging configuration for specific classes of the clock.

Note: You may require a consultation with Infor Support before changing logging levels. For example, setting the logging level to debug can result in performance issues and extremely large log files which may also have an effect on performance.

To update your SLF4J using logback logging configuration:

  1. Navigate to <Clock_installation_directory>/osgi and open the log.xml file in a text editor of your preference.

    The log.xml file contains the logging configuration for the root logger and specific clock classes. Log levels are specified in order of increasing detail: (ERROR, WARN, INFO, debug).

  2. To update the root logger to DEBUG from the default value of WARN, you can change the setting to this value:
    	<root level="DEBUG">
    		<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
    		<appender-ref ref="FILE" />
    		<appender-ref ref="MEMORY" />
    Note: In general, the root logger setting should only be modified with the recommendation of Infor Support. If you increase the logging detail for all packages in the clock server, then this can result in too much logging information in the log files. In most cases, it is usually advantageous to modify the log file settings for a specific package as is outlined in the next steps.
  3. To change the logging level for specific classes, you can use this setting for a sample clock class that is set to a logging level of INFO:
    <logger name="com.infor.wfm.clock.Sample.class" level="INFO" additivity="false">
        <appender-ref ref="FILE" />
        <appender-ref ref="MEMORY" />
  4. Make this change to set the logging level for the class to debug:
    <logger name="com.infor.wfm.clock.Sample.class" level="DEBUG" additivity="false">
        <appender-ref ref="FILE" />
        <appender-ref ref="MEMORY" />
  5. Save the log.xml file.

You may be required to restart the clock server for the changes to take effect.

You can also refer to the comments in the log.xml file for more information on how to configure SLF4J using logback and the specific classes to enable depending on what issues are being troubleshooted.

For more information on the SLF4J using logback logging framework, see https://logback.qos.ch/.