HTML clock timeout settings
HTML clock timeout settings in WBCS. Timeout settings for the Scheduled Swipe feature are documented in the Scheduled Swipes Administration Guide.
Setting | Description |
reader.HTTP.timeout.DEFAULT=10 |
Specifies the default timeout for the HTML clock. |
reader.HTTP.timeout.BADGE_ENTRY=5 |
Specifies the timeout for the badge entry screen in the HTML Clock. |
reader.HTTP.timeout.PIN_ENTRY=5 |
Specifies the timeout for the PIN entry screen in the HTML clock. |
reader.HTTP.timeout.SWIPE_CONFIRMATION=3 |
Specifies the timeout for the swipe confirmation screen in the HTML clock. |
reader.HTTP.timeout.LABOR_METRIC=10 |
Specifies the timeout for the labor metric screen in the HTML clock. |
reader.HTTP.timeout.SWIPE_ERROR=5 |
Specifies the timeout for the swipe error screen in the HTML clock. |
reader.HTTP.timeout.TIME_APPROVAL=10 |
Specifies the timeout for the time approval screen in the HTML clock. |