Enabling name resolution

After installation, you can configure the WBCS name resolution using the Admin Console.

  1. Launch Admin Console and connect to the WBCS.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. Right-click and select Modify Value on these settings:
    reader.ClockType.dnsEnabled= true

    Allows the WBCS to search for a clock by Windows name as opposed to IP address. Default value is false.


    Tells the WBCS where to find the name of the clock in the Readers database table. Default value is udf0, which is a user-defined field on the Reader Setup page in the system.


    Defines the frequency (in hours) of the DNS/WINS lookup done by the WBCS. Default is 1. When set to 0, the lookup is performed every time the WBCS communicates with the clock. However, each communication request can take up to 20 seconds, so a value of 0 could use up a lot of system resources and bandwidth.

    wbsynch.mapping. READER.udf0

    When using a Web Services connection and the Windows name for clocks, this mapping definition must be modified: wbsynch.mapping.READER.udf0 = R.RDR_IP_ADDRESS. The udf0 must match the field specified in the reader.ClockType.dnsNameField setting.

    Note:  ClockType is the name of the clock type as the name is displayed in the actual file.