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Infor Workforce Management Clock Server Administration Guide
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About this guide
Related documents
Installing and upgrading Clock Server
Before installing WBCS in GUI mode (Windows/Linux/UNIX)
Installing the WBCS in GUI mode (Windows, Linux/UNIX)
Before installing WBCS in console mode (Windows/Linux/UNIX)
Installing the WBCS in console mode (Windows, Linux/UNIX)
Starting the WBCS (Linux/UNIX)
Stopping the WBCS (Linux/UNIX)
Upgrading WBCS
Upgrading WBCS for Windows
Upgrading WBCS for Linux/UNIX
Viewing clock server data
Viewing clock punches
Searching for clock punches
Viewing the WBCS log
Viewing the WBCS settings
Viewing labor metrics
Viewing clock information
Sorting clock records
Viewing employee information
Viewing clock diagnostic and status information
Viewing database statistics
Viewing thread information
Viewing daemon threads
Configuring WBCS
Enabling web services for clocks
Supported authentication methods for the clock user
Configuring clocks connected to WBCS
Name resolution in WBCS
Enabling name resolution
Improving performance by enabling the encoder
Adding validations
Removing validations
Adding validation conditions
Configuring the Break Length validation
Configuring the Consecutive Types validation
Modifying WBCS settings
Disabling WBCS settings
ATS clock settings
Badge settings
Biometric settings
Communication settings
Database settings
Email settings
General settings
Log settings
Message settings
Modem settings
Rule settings
Synel standalone clock settings
Time synchronization settings
Virtual clock settings
HTML clock timeout settings
Other HTML clock settings
Other settings
Configuring features and clocks that use WBCS
Configuring time approval for clocks (WB6000, virtual clock, HTML clock)
Enabling time approval
Enabling time approval in WFM
Scheduling the Time Approval Records Task
Configuring time approval in the clock
Additional parameters for time approval in the clock
Disabling time approval
Disabling time approval in the WFM application
Disabling time approval in WBCS
Enabling PIN validation (WB6000, virtual clock)
Enabling PIN validation (HTML clock)
Disabling PIN validation for employees
Disabling PIN validation for specific clocks (HTML clock)
Displaying employee-assigned jobs on clocks (HTML clock)
Setting up the HTML clock
Creating a clock reader for HTML clocks
HTML clock validations
Accessing the HTML clock
Localizing the HTML clock
Displaying a message after swipe completion
Troubleshooting the HTML clock
Configuring a secure communication protocol for WBCS and Administration Console (HTML clock, Virtual Clock, WB6000)
Requesting a signed certificate for WBCS
Configuring HTTP and HTTPS in WBCS
Configuring Administration Console for a secure connection
Using supervisor mode (HTML clock)
Disabling supervisor mode
Using the Scheduled Swipes module (HTML clock)
Enabling the Escalate button for Scheduled Swipes
Configuring Kronos 4500 and InTouch (9000/9100) clocks
Step 1: Create a reader server named IOMOTION
Step 2: Create a new reader group on reader server IOMOTION
Step 3: Create a reader type named KRONOS
Step 4: Create a reader of type KRONOS in your reader group
Clock server process threads
Setting thread schedules
Scheduling threads
Configuring threads to run at intervals
Using the loaddistribution setting to randomize the start time
Deleting the thread schedule or interval settings
WBCS administration
Performing server actions from the admin console
Performing table dumps
Performing clock administration tasks
Removing employees from WBCS
Inactive employees and clock functions
Troubleshooting WBCS
Viewing the clock log
Updating your SLF4J logging configuration
Modifying log file settings using Admin Console
Using the Administration Console
Before installing the Administration Console
Installing the Administration Console
Using the Administration Console to connect to your clock
Using the Admin Console to purge the clock database
Changing the Admin Console user ID, password, and session timeout for WBCS
WBCS Communication Methods with the WFM Application Database
WBCS and Web Services
Transferring Records from WBCS to the WFM Application Database
Transferring Records from the WFM Application Database to WBCS
Swipe types
Administration Console
Clock Server
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