Email settings

Setting Description
mail.server = The mail server name (for example,
mail.username = clockserver The username for the mail server.
mail.password = The password for the mail server.
mail.from = The e-mail address from which e-mail notifications are sent.
mail.fromname = Workforce Management Clock Server

The name to which e-mail notifications are sent.

mail.replyto = The e-mail address in the Reply To field on the e-mail message. = The e-mail address to which e-mail notifications are sent.
mail.subject = Clock Server Alert The subject to be used for e-mail notifications.
thread.mail.interval = 300000 The interval (in milliseconds) the e-mail task runs.
mail.formatter.ignore = 60000 The time interval between two consecutive on- and off- line status changes at which the status change is ignored. That is, if the interval is less than this value, the status change is not recorded. When set to 0 (zero), this filter is disabled.
mail.formatter.class = com.infor.wfm.clock.server.lib.StandardEmailFormatter The class name that performs the formatting of notification messages.