Viewing clock information
The Terminals page displays information on all clocks connected to the WBCS, such as the status and network information. You can search for specific clocks by ID, type, description, status, IP address, or reader group ID.
Click the
Terminals tab.
The Terminals page is displayed.
Specify the clock Id, type, description, status, IP address or
group Id (which is the reader group Id) to search for in the
Enter value to search
field and select the appropriate item from the
Search by drop-down list.
For example, if you wanted to search for a clock with a specific IP address, specify the address in the field and select Address from the drop-down list. Leave blank to view all of the connected clocks.
- Specify the maximum number of clock records you want to display in the Maximum number of records field.
Reload Data.
Each clock listed on the Terminals page displays this information when you expand the record by clicking the node icon beside the clock name:
- Id
- Unique identification number assigned to the clock.
- Name
- Name of the clock.
- Type
- Specify clock (such as CMI, RSI, Synel).
- Address
- IP address of the clock.
- SubAddress
- Secondary address for the clock. Typically set to
- Status
- Indicates the status of the clock, either online
) or offline (0
- Group Id
- The reader group identification number.
- Zone Offset
- Time adjustment setting for the clock.
- Start Grace
- The grace period at the start of the employee’s
shift during which an employee's swipe is considered valid. For example, if
there is a 15 minute grace period set, and an employee swipes in 10 minutes
after his or her shift has started, the employee is considered to have
swiped in on time.
The Start Grace value is set in the WFM application. For more information, see the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.
- End Grace
- The grace period at the end of the employee’s
shift during which an employee's swipe is considered valid. For example, if
there is a 15 minute grace period set, and an employee swipes off 10 minutes
before his/her shift has ended, the employee is considered to have swiped
off on time.
The End Grace value is set in the WFM application. For more information, see the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.
- Time Zone Java Name
- The name of the time zone being used for the clock.
- Download File
- The location of the file used to program the clock. Contains information such as the prompts that are shown at the clock, the length of the employee badge number, and a number of other settings. Also known as the program file.
- Description
- A description of the clock.
- Last Poll
- Displays the last time the clock was polled for a
status in this format:
Mon Jun 13 20:45:00 EDT 2005