Converting hexadecimal numbers on employee badges to decimal

The 8000 Series clock provides a utility that can convert hexadecimal numbers on employee badges to decimal badge numbers.

To enable this feature, you will need to make these changes in your settings.conf file for the 8000 Series clock. Lines prefixed with a # are comments and should be added as well.

  1. Add the Hex badge parser class com.infor.wfm.clock.reader.badge.HexBadgeParser. For example:
    #Hex badge parser class used to process hex formatted badges
  2. Add these settings to determine the portion of the hex numbers on the badge which you want to convert to a decimal value:
    #Specify what portion of the hex number on the badge to convert to a #decimal value

    With the above settings, the clock will convert the first 8 values of your hex badge number to decimal. For example, if your hex badge number is 350058b3000000, the clock will convert 350058b3 to a decimal value:

    Hex value to convert: 350058b3

    Resulting decimal value = 889215155

  3. Add these settings to determine the portion of the decimal value from the previous step that you want to convert to a badge number:
    #Specify what portion of the decimal number to convert to a badge #number

    With the above settings, the clock will convert the first 6 digits of the decimal value to a badge number. The format of the badge number will also depend on the current server.badge.length setting. For example, if the decimal value obtained is 889215155 as in the previous step:

    • If server.badge.length=6, the badge read is 889215.
    • If server.badge.length=7, the badge read is 0889215. The clock will pad the beginning of the badge number with 0 to satisfy the badge length.